Privacy Policy

Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”) recognizes the need to protect personal information, and abides by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures, and all other laws, regulations and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “laws, regulations, etc.”). We have established this Policy to ensure sufficient and adequate protection for the personal information that we handle in the course of our business activities.

  1. 1. Intended Use of Personal Information

    We fairly and lawfully collect personal information. The personal information obtained shall be used within the scope of the following purposes, except when permitted by laws, regulations, etc.

    1. (1) Personal information about clients and other trading partners
      1. a. For correspondence concerning the provision of our services, negotiations, concluding of contracts, placement of orders, settlement of accounts, development of systems, and other processes;
      2. b. For business activities related to the services provided by us and companies in our Group, marketing activities, public relations, etc.
    2. (2) Personal information about shareholders
      1. a. For the exercise of rights and fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the Companies Act;
      2. b. For the issuing of complimentary tickets, etc.;
      3. c. For the running and recording of shareholders meetings;
      4. d. For the implementation of policies for facilitating relations between us and shareholders;
      5. e. For the management of information about shareholders.
    3. (3) Personal information concerning applicants for vacancies, retirees, and applicants for internships
      1. a. For procedures, correspondence, etc. necessary for filling vacant positions(vacancies);
      2. b. For procedures, correspondence, etc. necessary for and after retirement.
      3. c. For procedures, correspondence, etc. concerning internships.
    4. (4) Personal information about members of the board and employees (regular employees, contract-based employees, part-time workers, employees seconded from other companies, temporary employees)
      1. a. For our (own) management and that of the companies in our Group;
      2. b. For our business activities and other activities and those of the companies in our Group
    5. (5) Personal information concerning other stakeholders
      1. a. For procedures, correspondence, etc. concerning activities related to our corporate social responsibilities.
  2. 2. Provision to Third Parties

    We shall not provide any personal information in our possession without the consent of the person concerned to any outside corporation or individual (hereinafter referred to as “third party”), except in the following cases:

    1. (1) Provision to joint users

      There may be instances where personal information is jointly used by us and companies in our Group within the scope necessary for achieving an intended purpose.

      1. a. Personal information subject to joint use
        Name, date of birth, age, gender, identification photograph, address, telephone number, e-mail address, affiliations, department, position, qualifications, etc.
      2. b. Joint users:
        Companies in our Group, including subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
      3. c. Intended use:
        As per the above-mentioned intended use of Personal Information.
      4. d. Entity responsible for managing personal information:
        Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd.
    2. (2) Provision to contractors:

      There may be instances where we provide the handling of personal information, in whole or by portion, to a third party within the scope necessary for achieving an intended purpose. In the event we provide the handling of personal information to a third party, we shall exercise due care in selecting the contractor, and shall strive to manage and supervise to ensure that the personal information is handled in a proper manner by the said third party

    3. (3) Provision in accordance with laws and regulations
    4. (4) Instances where personal information is provided for the sake of protecting lives, physical wellbeing and property when the consent of the person concerned is difficult to obtain
    5. (5) Instances where personal information is especially necessary for improving public health and promoting the sound upbringing of children when the consent of the person concerned is difficult to obtain
    6. (6) Instances where it is necessary to cooperate with the execution of legally specified duties of a government agency, local public body, or person entrusted thereby when the gaining of the consent of the person concerned might impede the execution of the said duties
    7. (7) Instances where personal information is provided for the continuation of operations following a merger or other such cause
  3. 3. Our Framework for Protecting Personal Information

    1. (1) We have put in place a framework for protecting personal information to ensure the due and proper management and protection of the personal information in our possession.
    2. (2) We shall exercise proper care in the handling of the personal information in our possession in accordance with the laws, regulations, etc.
    3. (3) We shall regularly conduct training and education concerning the protection of personal information for our members of the board and employees, in order to prevent any leakage or unintended use, etc. of personal information.
    4. (4) We shall review and refine this Policy in the event of amendments to laws, regulations, etc. and or under social circumstances.
  4. 4. Inquiries

    Please address any inquiries concerning the disclosure, corrections, suspension of use, erasure, and suchlike of personal information in our possession to our Inquiries Section, using

Oct 01, 2017
Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd.

(About SSL)

We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption so that you can securely fill in the inquiry form with your information on our website. SSL encrypts the data entered from your computer and transmits it over a network to a registered computer at the other end.



  1. 1. 取得する個人情報の利用目的


    1. (1) 顧客その他の取引先の個人情報
      1. ア 当社の提供するサービスに関連する連絡、交渉、契約締結、受発注、決済、システム開発その他の処理
      2. イ 当社及び当社グループ会社の提供するサービスに関連する営業活動、マーケティング活動、広報活動等
    2. (2) 株主の個人情報
      1. ア 会社法に基づく権利の行使、義務の履行
      2. イ 優待券の交付等
      3. ウ 株主総会の運営、記録
      4. エ 株主と当社の関係を円滑にするための各種施策の実施
      5. オ 株主情報の管理
    3. (3) 採用応募者、退職者、インターンシップ応募者の個人情報
      1. ア 採用に関する諸手続及び連絡等
      2. イ 退職に関する諸手続及び退職後の連絡等
      3. ウ インターンシップに関する諸手続及び連絡等
    4. (4) 役員、従業員(社員、嘱託、臨時雇用者、他社からの出向社員、派遣社員)の個人情報
      1. ア 当社及び当社グループ会社における人事労務管理
      2. イ 当社及び当社グループ会社の営業活動を含む事業活動
    5. (5) その他ステークホルダーの個人情報
      1. ア CSR活動に関する諸手続及び連絡等
  2. 2. 第三者への提供


    1. (1) 共同利用者への提供


      1. ア 共同利用する個人情報
      2. イ 共同利用者
      3. ウ 利用目的
      4. エ 個人情報の管理について責任を有する者
    2. (2) 委託先への提供


    3. (3) 法令に基づき提供する場合
    4. (4) 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
    5. (5) 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
    6. (6) 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
    7. (7) 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って個人情報が提供されるとき
  3. 3. 当社の個人情報保護体制

    1. (1) 当社は、保有する個人情報を適正に管理、保護するために、個人情報保護体制を整備しています。
    2. (2) 当社は、保有する個人情報の取扱いに際しては、法令等に基づき、適切に執り行います。
    3. (3) 当社は、個人情報の流出、目的外利用等を防止するために、当社の役員、従業員に対して、個人情報保護に関する研修、教育を定期的に実施します。
    4. (4) 当社は、法令等の改正、社会環境の変化等に対応して本方針を見直し、継続的に改善します。
  4. 4. お問合せ窓口




当社グループウェブサイト上のお問合せフォームでは、本人が個人情報等を安心して入力していただけるように、暗号化技術の SSL(セキュア・ソケット・レイヤー)を導入しております。
