• Are there any costs associated with user registration?

    No, there are no special costs associated with user registration.

  • What is the calculation method based on?

    Please note that basic calculation is made in accordance with EN 16258 and under certain standard conditions.

  • How many calculation results can be saved in “Mypage”?

    Currently, up to 100 results can be saved.

  • What do TTW and WTW mean?

    “TTW” stands for “Tank to Wheel” and” WTW for Well to Wheel.”

    “TTW" is the boundary applied when considering GHG emissions or energy consumption generated through transportation activities by vehicle/ship/aircraft.

    “WTW” is also the boundary to be applied when considering GHG emissions or energy consumption generated from fuel extraction to transportation activities by vehicles/vessels/aircraft.

  • What should I do if I want to make a calculation with various transportation conditions?

    The tool is designed to calculate under certain conditions, so it is not possible to add various conditions to the calculation. If you need to make a calculation with detailed conditions, please contact the sales department of Yusen Logistics first. Depending on the conditions, we may be able to meet your request for calculation.

  • Why is a different transport section shown as the result of the calculation than the entered transport section?

    Please note that in the location input settings, if there is no actual transportation service between ORIGIN and Final Destination, only the transportation segments that can be transported may be displayed as the calculation result, which is different from the entered location.

    If the transport sections shown do not fully cover the desired transport simulation,
    please refer to the transport sections shown in the initial calculation results as a reference and try to divide the entire transport section into several transport sections and calculate them again.

  • What standards does the calculation process comply with?

    This calculation tool utilizes EcoTransIT World software. We have reconfirmed that this software meets the requirements of EN 16258 and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and that has been certified as compliant with the GLEC Framework.
    Note: There are some changes planned for 2023 regarding the standards to which this software conforms. We will update the necessary information to share with you.

  • How are transport routings selected?

    The system does not take simply the shortest route, but "resistances" is added to the routing algorithm. For example, a slightly longer route over highway would be taken than a slightly shorter one on a country road.

    2)Air Transports and Ocean transports
    Transshipment points are added to account for realistic routes/trade lanes.

  • What conversion factors are taken into account in the calculation of CO2 emissions?

    The calculation takes into account the default values specified in EN1625. For example, the default values for fuel types are currently as follows.
    Note: The following figures are subject to change during 2023.

    CO2e factor
    Fuel Type kgCO2e/kg
    Gasoline 3.25 3.86
    Diesel 3.21 3.90
    Jet Kerosene (Jet A1 and Jet A) 3.18 3.88
    Heavy Fuel Oil(HFO) 3.15 3.41
    Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) 3.24 3.92
    Marine Gas Oil (MGO) 3.24 3.92

    (Source: "Environmental Methodology and data update 2020 by EcoTransIT World Initiative)